fine and Speciality Chemical Manufacturer , in the strictest sense of the word, are products that are sold on the basis of their performance or function and not their composition. They can be single-chemical compounds that have a significant impact on the product's performance and processing.

A complex and interconnected industry produces specialty chemical. Specialty chemical can be defined as products that are sold on the basis of their function or performance rather than their composition. They can be single-chemical compounds that have a significant impact on the product's performance and processing.

This report includes 28 specialty chemical segments. They can be classified as either market-oriented products (products used by a particular industry or market such as electronic chemical, oil field chemical, or functional products) (groups or products that perform the same function such as adhesives or antioxidants, or biocides).

This method of characterisation has a lot of overlap. Many functional chemical are used by multiple markets, but market-oriented groups may include many functional chemical. This distinction is used to discuss strategic aspects of business segments, rather than to distinguish between products.